Library Binding Service, Inc. • Des Moines, IA •
Customer since 1991
“integraSoft helps us optimize and reduce our credit card transactions fees, helping us get the best rate consistently on our transactions. The seamless integration with our existing integraSoft ERP system makes for a more fluid business cycle.”
-Debra Carl, Accounting, Library Binding Service Inc.
Library Binding Service, Inc.’s knowledge of bookbinding spans generations. It’s their family history – past, present, and future. LBS evolved from European craftsman binders to the industry’s definitive source for on-demand bindery materials, products, and innovations.
LBS processes thousands of credit card transactions per day, with customers around the globe. They felt that their existing card processing system was becoming problematic, carried significant risk, and required a standalone work station to operate with their existing ERP systems, and. The solution did nothing to protect against unnecessary credit card fees on their business transactions.
LBS chose to move forward with integraSoft’s new integrated CenPOS credit card solution, which offers interchange rate optimization, seamless integration with
integraSuite and importantly for LBS, easy access to past transaction records. With the new credit card solution, LBS can now:
- Review past credit card batches checking for errors and reviewing transactions easily using the CenPOS Credit Card Management Portal.
- Optimize interchange fees, especially for Pre-Authorizations.
- Certify for PCI at more secure compliance level for lower processing rate.
- Receive optimized interchange rates on Corporate or Government cards due to passing of Level 3 (Order Header/Detail) information as part of the credit card transaction.
- Lower overall business risks, by not storing sensitive digital credit card information on LBS servers. integraSoft’s integration with CenPOS stores sensitive credit card information with CenPOS.
- Stay current with modern payment solutions the upcoming changes related to EMV(Chip & Pin) and new digital payment methods.