

Ecommerce Site User

In today’s economy, customers are searching online for just about everything.  An intuitive, easy to use and visually pleasing E-Commerce site is critical for competing in the online market.  integraSoft’s E-Commerce sites highlight your companies online showroom and make it easy for customers to browse, research products and compare features while they determine if your product is right for them.  With a few clicks, a customers can make a decision, add products to their shopping cart and complete a purchase.

Conduct business 24/7 and Sell Anytime, on Any Device, Anywhere

Sales representatives require quick, easy and secure access to the information their customers need.    integraE-Commerce works with mobile phones, iPads, tablets and laptops. Integration across devices, software and security makes it possible to ensure businesses have the tools they need and available 24/7.

Solutions for Every Business Stage

Taking the next steps to envision and plan an online strategy with an integraE-Commerce solution is possible with any stage of business.  Existing integraStore customers will enjoy upgrades to a modern and mobile ready solution.  Non-integrated users can get started today and end duplication and re-entry of orders.  Businesses not using an E-Commerce solution can implement integraE-Commerce and increase sales and attract new customers.

Integrated with integraSuite of products

Current and modern looking interface is the key to catching a customers attention. integraE-Commerce is search engine friendly which helps current and new customers find products with speed and accuracy. Continuity with your website and E-Commerce online brand creates ease of recognition and continuity which is critical in the online market.

Ease of Managing Content

integraE-Commerce offers multiple merchandising capabilities that allow for an engaging and intuitive buying experience for customers. Easy management of content will translate into more purchases, satisfied customers and repeat business.  Customers return to shop when the experience has been a good one!


Mobile in Mind

integraE-Commerce is mobile responsive and developed to work with all screen sizes.  In today’s world, mobile shopping is more important than ever.  Ensure your customer’s can shop your inventory, check order status, and pay their bill while on the run! 

Sell More

Lower Costs

Improve Customer Satisfaction

Reduce Errors

Get Paid Faster

We're going to The 2025 Brick Forum!

February 24-26, 2025
The Galt House Hotel, Louisville, Kentucky

Come check us out or book an appointment today!