Coming in 2014, integraSoft will proudly begin rolling out our new release of integraSuite 2.02. It’s not just an update, it’s an evolution of our system. We pride ourselves on tailoring our software to solve our customer issues, and this release captures that ideal, offering unique and innovative functionality to alleviate specific customer pains and provide a better business environment.
New Functions
Inventory Control / Setup / Brand Protection Program
You are committed to product contracts, integraSoft helps your employees support that commitment! The system will prevent your employees from accidentally selling a Diversion Program product to someone that is not signatory to your or your supplier’s contracts.
Brand protection programs allows you to easily comply with the supplying company’s contract requirements.
- Assign products to the brand protection program.
- Assign customers to the brand protection program.
New Credit Card Gateway
integraSoft has supported credit card authorization through IC Verify. We are now offering an additional credit card hosted solution that eliminates the need for additional internal hardware to host credit cards with CenPOS Gateway.
- Smart Rate Selector gives the ability to manage interchange rates for a savings of 1-15% and to reduce payment processing costs
- Pre-authorization intelligently manage interchange rates on all eligible transactions and mitigate chargeback risk.
- Rules based processing engine which eliminates mistakes by removing current cashier empowerment.
- Fraud parameters are set on your chosen level of risk.
- Tokenized credit card information removes storage of sensitive card information on your servers.
- Credit Management uses refund mapping to eliminate fraudulent refunds and credits at point of sale.
- Can be processed through the merchant of your choice.
- Real time data analytics dashboard allows you to discover growth opportunities, see how your customers are paying and compare employees, departments and locations.
Under IC Verify, we store encrypted credit card information. Processing through IC Verify will continue to be an option.
New Features
System Administrator / Global Security / Maintain User Setup
- New Table and Dynamic Views Security Feature gives the ability to restrict exporting and printing of Dynamic Views.
- Security has been added to the export and print features of tables, which includes lookup tables, table reports, and queries that use table functionality.
- Two new fields have been added to the Settings section of the user setup in System Administrator/Global Security/Maintain User Setup: Disable Lookup Export and Disable Dynamic View Print.
These fields function independently to restrict the user’s ability to export or print the data displayed in the table functionality of integraERP.
- Check to restrict the user’s ability to export the data; the export icon will not display at the bottom of the table.
- Check to restrict the user’s ability to print the data; the print icon will not display at the bottom of the table.
The initialization program that is automatically run when Release 2.02 is installed will set security for all existing users with the ability to export and print the data. If you wish to restrict any users from printing or exporting lookup and other table data, you must manually change the settings for the user after installation.
Modified Features
Order Entry / Posting / Enter Orders
Browse Functionality for Invoice Attachment
Easily browse and attach any document to order entry for current specials, marketing materials and special instructions.
Tools / Data Import / Current Feature
Browse Functionality for General Ledger Transactions Import File Name
Easily browse and attach any document to general ledger transactions.
integraStore / Web Site Setup / Product URL & Description
Browse Functionality for Picture URL File Names
Easily browse and upload photos for your integraStore.
Order Entry Queries Updated to return data in table format
Table view now available for:
- Orders by Product
- Orders By Customer & Product
- Last Bought