To Scan or not to Scan??? – Desk Top Scanners have come a long way and have real value in the work place. Calculate your Return on Investment with one simple question – If I eliminated my paper based filing system for Vendor Invoices, how much money would that save me? Scan the Vendor Invoice, attach to the Accounts Payable History record in integraSoft and file the source document by date or shred. The source document is now attached to the history transaction and will be accessible to everyone at the touch of a button. You just eliminated the trapesing to the back filing room to file all those invoices and in the icky event you need to find one of them, you no longer have to sift through those mounds of paper work.
Many types of scanners are available today: Flatbed, Sheetfed, and Portable. You can find all of them in reasonable price points. Check the scanning speed and choose the one that fits your needs best!